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Hoist is designed to be a Data and AI Portal for your business.  As such, it works best when you use your own domain name, your own authentication and your own OpenAI key.

You can complete this setup at any point during your trial.

Use a custom domain

A custom domain ensures that your team know that your portal is a controlled environment provided by your business.

To setup a custom domain:

Use single-sign-on

Single-sign-on allows your team to login using their Microsoft or Google credentials.

To setup Microsoft SSO:

To setup Google SSO:

Add your own logo

Your own logo will appear in your Hoist portal and as the favicon.  

To add your logo:

Use your own OpenAI key

Using your own OpenAI key will allow you to use the Hoist API to import data and will remove restrictions on AI usage.

To setup an OpenAI key:

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