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Google single-sign-on

To setup Google single-sign-on for your Hoist Portal, please follow these instructions:

  1. Login to your Google Cloud account (
  2. If you haven't been there before, it will guide you through a setup process which takes about 10 minutes to complete. This is mainly for billing purposes on their end (don't worry, there are no additional charges for what we're setting up!)
  3. Once you have been set up on Google Cloud - on the side menu there is a section called 'API and Services', click on it and then into 'OAuth Consent Screen' screen
  4. Give your screen a name, simply 'HoistAI' or whatever you would like to call it
  5. Enter in an internal support email
  6. Under Authorised Domains, simply add your domain name
  7. Enter the same support email as before into the 'Developer contact information' field
  8. Click 'Save and continue' to head to the next screen
  9. Click the 'Add or remove scopes' button and select these three (the first three): '../auth/' '../auth/userinfo.profile' 'openid'
  10. Once finished, use the left-hand side menu again and head to the 'Credentials' screen
  11. Use the button at the top of the page to '+ CREATE CREDENTIALS'
  12. Select 'OAuth client ID'
  13. Application type is 'Web application' and give the application a good name, something like 'HoistAI'
  14. Under 'Authorised JavaScript origins' add your Hoist Portal URL
  15. Under 'Authorised redirect URIs', add the URL: https://your_hoist_portal/login-google
  16. Click the blue 'CREATE' button at the bottom of the page then copy the 'Client ID' and 'Client Secret' into your .txt document to send over to me

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