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Accepting your guest invite

Because Hoist is a portal for your company, it is designed to work with your Microsoft or Google authentication.

To get you started in your trial, we will invite you as a guest.  Please follow these steps to accept your guest invite.

  • You will receive an email from Microsoft with an invitation, which looks similar to the image below. You must accept this invite before getting access to your Hoist portal.


  • Click on the 'Accept invitation' link
  • We will send an email directly to you with the link to your Hoist trial, once you have accepted the invite, you are ready to login

  • Head to your Hoist trial URL, which will be similar to:
  • Click on the login 'with Microsoft'button
    • Please note: No matter what email address has been invited to the trial, please use the Microsoft login button

  • On the next screen, enter the email address invited to the trial

  • You will receive a one-time password (unless you already have a Microsoft account with that email address; if so, just enter your password as per normal) to your email address and paste it into the login screen as shown below

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