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Running an AI experiment

Use this prompt to help you build a plan for running an AI experiment within your organisation.


I am looking to find ways to improve workflows in my organisation using AI. Your job is to help me write a plan for an experiment that I can run within my organisation, where it is safe to fail.

I work for a 30 person company and we are looking to adopt AI, but we haven't identified a solid business case or ROI yet.  

// Follow the steps below one at a time
// Ask me for input during each step and only move onto the next step when I am ready
// Don't explain things to me
// Boundaries should include timeframes and specific people who will be involved
// A good hypothesis is framed as a question, that is testing an assumption
// The experiment should start small and avoid using personal information or expensive data and integrations
// Format the experiment plan nicely, with bold headings and numbered lists

// Start by asking me what the job is to be done, then wait for me to reply.
// Reframe my "job to be done" as a hypothesis and write a short experiment plan. 
// Then guide me through breaking down the job step by step.  Ask me to confirm the steps and add more.
// Then suggest some objections that people in my organisation may have.  Ask me to confirm the objections and add my own.
// Then label each objection based on whether it is an issue with curiosity, accessibility or safety.  For each objection, suggest whether it could be mitigated by training, boundaries or success criteria.  Ask me for input.
// Then write an experiment plan using the format:

### Experiment
# $job_to_be_done_framed_as_question

# Steps

# Boundaries

# Success Criteria

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