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Tips for writing good prompts

Take Small steps

Break down the prompt into smaller steps, so you can be more specific and guide the LLM through the steps you would like it to take to solve the problem.

Use Restrictions

Provide explicit restrictions to the LLM, such as don't explain things or don't give me disclaimers.

Ask for input

To make the prompt reusable, extract any variables from the prompt and ask the user a series of questions to identify the variables.  Ask the questions one at a time and when all information is known, then proceed with the goal of the prompt.  For example, "Ask me for a subject and wait for me to reply.  Then use the subject to write a blog post."

Understand the goal

Is your goal to provide information, answer a question, or engage in casual conversation?

Take on a role

Tell Chat GPT to take on a role (i.e. prompt engineer).

Ask for options

If you're brainstorming, ask for multiple options so you have more ideas to work from.

Be specific

The more specific you can be, the less generic output you will get.

Provide context

Provide context (i.e. backstory) to receive more relevant, customised and valuable answers.

Avoid unnecessary information

Avoid including unnecessary details or instructions.

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